SIK-30 Fault Indication System is used for detection and indication of ground fault and short circuit in overhead medium voltage grids. The basic element of the SIK-30 system is the IK-30 Fault Indicator. Indicators are placed behind the branching point of the feeder, behind the line disconnecting switch and along the supervised overhead power lines to the pillars approximately 4m below the line. The fault indication can be used in insulated medium voltage grids, in grids with low resistance grounded neutral points, as well as grids with resonantly grounded neutral points (Petersen coil).
Contactless sensors of the magnetic and electric field located in the Fault Indicator are used. In case of a fault, red and / or green LED indicators start to flash. If there is a short circuit, both LED indicators are flashing, and if there is a ground fault, one of the LED elements (red or green) will flash. After detecting the ground fault, all indicators on the lines connected to the fault location will be activated.
The fault direction is determined according to the light of the LED element (fig. 2). In the short circuit detection, only indicators installed between the power supply and the fault location will be activated (fig. 3). Short circuit detection is based on the detection of the set short circuit current threshold overrun, while detection of the ground fault is based on a transient analysis of residual current and voltage.
When a fault occurs, the Fault Indicator detects, registers, and locally indicates a fault before the protection switches off the line in failure. If the GSM / GPRS unit is embedded in the Fault Indicator, it is also possible to remotely send information about the fault to the control center. Based on this information, at the control center it is very easy to determine the fault location, isolate the faulty location and establish a new grid supply structure, and organize a quick repair. If there is no GSM / GPRS communication, an additional flashlight can be installed to increase the intensity of local signalling. The power is supplied from indicators own battery, and in the case of GSM / GPRS communication from a solar panel. Parameterization of the device is carried out very easily via IR (infrared) Handheld Terminal RT-IK.
  • detection and signalling of ground fault and short circuit in insulated overhead medium voltage grids, in grids with low resistance grounded neutral points, as well as grids with resonantly grounded neutral points (Petersen coil)
  • non-contact magnetic and electric field sensors integrated in the Fault Indicator
  • short-circuit detection is based on detection of the short circuit current threshold overrun detection and the detection of the ground fault is based on the transient analysis of residual current and voltage
  • own uninterruptible battery power, in the case of a GSM / GPRS connection the solar power supply
  • very simple parameterization using the infrared Handheld Terminal RT-IK
  • additional GSM / GPRS unit enables the integration of the Fault Indicator in the remote control system in order to reduce the number of circuit breaker reclosings to line fault, rapidly detect the fault location and increase the availability of the medium voltage grid